Autumn mists and mellow fruitfulness!

On October 9, 2019 | 0 Comments

After a truly sizzling summer here in Mallorca, we now find ourselves entering the glorious Autumn with its cooler climes and beautiful days of gentle sunshine and blue hazy skies. This is the perfect time to set off for a vigorous hike in the wild and rugged Tramuntana mountains with a backpack picnic in tow or simply to sit by the sea with a fresh orange juice and take in those dreamy azure seascapes.


One of the most curious aspects about the golden isle is that it enjoys a host of different micro-climates from area to area. So, for example, in Soller it might be raining gatos y perros and yet on the other side of the tunnel there will be nothing but sunshine, a penetratingly blue sky and puffy white clouds.


When the summer tourists – mostly families and gaggles of chums and extended family groups – disappear at the beginning of September, a new crowd moves into Mallorca, those in search of a little calm and peace in order to recharge the batteries. Couples and those with toddlers are the order of the day, and luckily none are tied by school holidays meaning flights are cheaper as well as hotel accommodation.


Mallorca is glorious in all seasons but nothing can beat Autumn and Spring when the air is fresh, the weather mild, and the vegetation is lush and verdant. So, romantic poet John Keats war right to herald the autumn with such winning words. Autumn in England  can be magical but in Mallorca it is exception. Come and give it a try!

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